a little introduction to the kitties:
silly girl she climbed up a little tree-like shrub and had trouble coming down

Royal as he looks, he has a fur so smooth like a prince!

Shes young, was unsure of her surroundings when she first came, and was initially bullied by other cats. I remember playing with her; throwing the crushed paper ball and letting her chase it about lol! She has since grown tho!
he was wary of me at first, but after awhile came meowing hesitantly towards me and from then onwards we're friends :)
total socialite! this girl loves attention and being petted. And she isn't afraid of dogs too!
this male scratched me once when he didn't like a certain petting position. But otherwise he can be a dear. i still call him naughty cat though haha
Meow Meow, Nong Rui, she has been around since i was in secondary school. The 'mascot' of Blk 1, passerbys sometimes pet her on their way home. She loves attention too and would sometimes bat my legs if i were to walk off! Oh she gently nips me too, sweet!