Thursday, March 18, 2010

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens is one of my fav places to relax, especially so when it's only a few mins bus ride away. First thing I'd do upon reaching was to head towards the Swan Lake and watch the 2 pairs of White Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) gliding gracefully... towards anybody with food. Yeah! the swans are damn greedy!

Practically every time when i was there, there'd always be people feeding the swans. Bread, pellets (which i suspect is fish/tortoise food but the swans would still gobble up anyway), cucumber, biscuits, and what not. Personally, i wouldn't say bread or biscuits is a healthy snack, in fact a swan's natural diet consists of aquatic vegetation such as underwater plants and algae. Bread and biscuits ain't that good for a swan's digestive system. For more info, check this out
Not that the swans at Botanic Gardens are looking rather sick; I'd say that they're pretty much happy being dependent on a diet of bread such that they'd wag their little tails in contentment. Nevertheless, if you're gonna feed swans next time, give them cabbage/lettuce instead okay?
After all Singapore aims for a healthy lifestyle =)

More pictures from Botanic Gardens:

Spot the Plantian Squirrel (Callosciurus notatus) !

i personally like this best; can you see the outline of a heart-shape formed from the over-hanging branches of a tree? The swans look like they're shy in lurve xD

Flowers of a Frangipani tree

Photos aren't that good, so go Botanic Gardens for a real eye-opener!

There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story.
-Linda Hogan